Scientific and Research Activities
- Optoelectronic properties of amorphous, polymorphous, microcrystalline semiconductors
- ADEME/PIRSEM program ÉCOTECH (CNRS 95,94,002/003) - "Métastabilité des semiconducteurs amorphes: Etude des relations entre désordre, défauts et incorporation d´hydrogéne dans a-Si:H" in collaboration with LOS University P. et M. Curie Paris, "Synthése de matériaux a-Si:H plus stable et études du vieillissement" in collaboration with LPICM Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau (F)
- EU contract JOULE II, HELIOS # CT 940403 in collaboration with LPICM Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau (F)
- Physics, energy, environmental science and school
- TEMPUS project S JEP_07301-94 - "Interdisziplinaritat im Schutz des Umwelt" in collaboration with Paedagogische Akademie Wien, Graz (A), University Patras (Gr)
- TEMPUS project S_JEP 11555/96 - contact person for Czech Republic- "Neue Studienprogramme im Physik" in collaboration with Humboldt Universitat Berlin, DLH Copenhagen, KU Prag
- General Physics for foreign students 1987-90 (VA Brno)
- Quantum Mechanics and Statistics - since 1992 (PdF MU Brno)
- Mathematics for Physicists - since 1991 (PdF MU Brno)
- Theoretical mechanics and relativity - since 1993 (PdF MU Brno)
- Solid state Physics -since 1993 (PdF MU Brno)
- Oscillations,Waves and Optics - since 1997 (PdF MU Brno)
- Semiconductors - since 1997 (PdF MU Brno)
- Mathematical Repetitorium - since 2012 (PdF MU Brno)
- Basics Topics from Physics - since 2012 (PdF MU Brno)
Academical Stays
- 1991/92 (12 month) Laboratoire d`Optique des Solides, Unité associé au CNRS No.781, at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (chercheur associé au CNRS -Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique) - attributed by CNRS
- 1993 (3 month) Laboratoire d`Optique des Solides, Unité associé au CNRS No.781, at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (chercheur associé au CNRS -Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique) - attributed by CNRS
- 1994 (1 month) Laboratoire d`Optique des Solides, Unité associé au CNRS No.781, at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris - attributed by the French Embassy in Prag
- 1994 (3 month) Laboratoire de Physique des Interface et des Couches Minces Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (France) - attributed by CNRS
- 1995 (1 month) Laboratoire de Physique des Interfaces et des Couches Minces Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (France) - financed in the frame of EU contract JOULE II
- 1996 (3 month) Laboratoire de Physique des Interface et des Couches Minces Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (France) - attributed by Ecole Polytechnique (associated senior researcher)
- 1995-1998 short stays 1-2 weeks Univ. P. et M. Curie Paris, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau
- 1997-98 stays in the frame of TEMPUS S_JEP 11555 project at HU Berlin and DLH Copenhagen
University Activities
- 1992-97 2x elected member of the Senate of the PdF Masaryk University Brno
- head of the statutory commission
Extrauniversity Activities
- FVS JČMF (CZ) (Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists)
- Rayonnement du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (F)
Appreciation of Science Community
- member of the Developping Fund of Universities (Fond rozvoje VŠ-CZ) commission H
- Personal Invitation to Conference "Renewable Energy in Central and Eastern European Countries" organised by the European Comission, DG XII in Sophia-Antipolis (F), 1998 as an expert representing the university research in the Czech Republic.
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