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Re: [Strawbale] Strawbale roof insulation

Barbara (+ list),
You've saved me at least part of a job - I've come back from Mongolia
with the technical side of a rather large development project to
organise, of which sheeps wool plays an important part.
Did you happen to find out what they use to deal with moths?  (and what
species, and what the process is, and how easy it is on a cottage
industry basis, etc)

Barbara Jones wrote:
> On the subject of sheeps wool insulation, I've been doing some research
> because I wanted to know why it was being produced commercially at such a
> cost when we could get fleeces so cheaply. The main reason I keep coming
> back to is that untreated sheeps wool is completely tasty to moths. I have
> spoken to several people now who have used it and say the moths just
> completely eat it up, even if it's in a sealed space. The main cost during
> processing is in blending in an anti-moth mineral and making it stay in the
> wool and not leach out over time. So, I would say to beware of the Moth!
> Best wishes
> Barbara
> Amazon Nails: Strawbale building, training, consultancy, empowerment.
>                    www.strawbalefutures.org.uk
> Building With Straw Bales by Barbara Jones £9.50 post-free from Amazon Nails
> or from Green Books
>     Warning! Strawbale building can seriously transform your life!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Coralie & Andre de Bouter <m.ep@laposte...>
> To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 3:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [Strawbale] Strawbale roof insulation
> > <some content snipped>
> > Why not go for sheeps wool. Unwashed, so the oils protrect against mites.
> > Cheap, ecological, withstands moisture and fire.
> > 15 cm gives insulation equal to a SB.
> >
> > They say that the smell goes away after some time. We will installed the
> > wool that we collected this year during the winter.
> >
> > Bye,
> > Andre
> >