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Re: [Strawbale] Strawbale roof insulation
I did a little insulation like that. But would not do it again.
Fire and rodents are a risk. Borax would work for both, but impregnating the
straw would mean moisture. (We just added it loose on the straw)
Besides, how much of insulation would 17 cm of 'loose' straw really give.
Not much I think.
Why not go for sheeps wool. Unwashed, so the oils protrect against mites.
Cheap, ecological, withstands moisture and fire.
15 cm gives insulation equal to a SB.
They say that the smell goes away after some time. We will installed the
wool that we collected this year during the winter.
> Does someone have experience with using loose straw as roof insulation for
> an inclinated roof. The thickness of the roof is 17cm. I think personally
> that it is too dangerous (fire) or does their exist some kind of natural
> treatment for the straw.
> Herwig Van Soom
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