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Re: [Strawbale] Unsubsribe
hoi Jolien,
ik lees je bericht en ben de laaste tijd geinteresserd in strobouw. Ik woon
in Apeldoorn, (heb in Amsterdam gewoont) en wil je me op de hoogte houden
als jullie met het bouwen gaan beginnen.
mvrgr. Jo Stassen
----- Original Message -----
From: <jostro@dds...>
To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 11:13 AM
Subject: [Strawbale] Unsubsribe
> Hello lovely strawbale people,
> I want to unsubscribe for a while; I dont seem to be able to 'digest'
> all the mails. I'll fix a separate emailadress for the listserver post
> later on.
> Just to inform the people who are interested:
> Abouth the strawbale cafe in Amsterdam.
> We finally got the green light from the council for the project!
> They now started to make a kind of 'park zone' along the waterside.
> Meanwhile we bought a second-hand paviljon, of which we are
> going to use the wide laminated (is this the right word?, it is small
> wood glued together to make a stronge, wide piece of wood) poles,
> and the roof tiles, and the thermopane windows.
> The poles are all standing 4 metres apart. Under the roof we will
> make sb walls, in a more or less 'free form"The building will be 500
> m2.
> The intention is to start building next early spring; we'll keep you
> updated then!
> Golden glow, Jolien
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