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[Strawbale] Unsubsribe

Hello lovely strawbale people,

I want to unsubscribe for a while; I dont seem to be able to 'digest' 
all the mails. I'll fix a separate emailadress for the listserver post 
later on.

Just to inform the people who are interested:
Abouth the strawbale cafe in Amsterdam.

We finally got the green light from the council for the project!
They now started to make a kind of 'park zone' along the waterside.
Meanwhile we bought a second-hand paviljon, of which we are 
going to use the wide laminated (is this the right word?, it is small 
wood glued together to make a stronge, wide piece of wood) poles,
and the roof tiles, and the thermopane windows.
The poles are all standing 4 metres apart. Under the roof we will 
make sb walls, in a more or less 'free form"The building will be 500 
The intention is to start building next early spring; we'll keep you 
updated then!
Golden glow, Jolien