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[Strawbale] [Bwbnewsletter] Building houses and community in Haiti

Reports are excellent from the Builders Without Borders team in Haiti, working with local individuals and NGO's to produce a demonstration building that we hope will lead to more locally-built, safer homes in Haiti, built by the future owners and members of their communities.

During the design phase, Project Director Martin Hammer reported that the team went over the design of the Ti Kay Pay from bottom to top multiple times, exploring components and how they inter-relate during each pass. "I now feel that the construction system is well-balanced in terms of all the important aspects of: materials and their availability, cost, constructability, structural performance (gravity, seismic, hurricane), durability, thermal comfort, and environmental sustainability. And all of it giving body to a simple, beautiful, and culturally appropriate design."

The fruits of the careful design and planning are now being seen as work is progressing with the construction phase. Please take a look at the attached PDF document for pictures and more description of the progress.

As you know, Builders Without Borders is an all-volunteer network. We seldom ask for financial support, without a concrete project for you to donate to. If the Haiti project inspires you as it does us, please consider donating to help complete this beautiful, safe building, and train other Haitians to replicate it. To donate by credit card, visit BWB?s website at:


Or, for maximum impact, mail a check to:
Builders Without Borders
119 Kingston Main St.
Hillsboro, NM 88042 USA

Best wishes for the New Year,

Catherine Wanek and Derek Roff
Co-Directors, Builders Without Borders

Attachment: BWB-Haiti Strawbale Project.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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