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Re: [Strawbale] Q about building-soil's waste cycle

Hi Sara... et.al.

About indoor climate in earth plastered homes: Doc. Gernot Minke's book about earthen building has various aspects of it. Great reference book.
About environmental impact:
I suggest you find someone on your faculty (or on this list) with access to one of the LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) databases which are part of the computer tools for making LCA. They have values for most materials, and I believe you'll find data for soil too.
The hardship with such data is that it's all generic/general, for instance wood data are based on data from extremely large modern automatized mills in Finland, which has quite different impact data than the old low-tech mills here in Czech Republic. (Same for OSB; the data are the same wether they are made in Europe or Asia, with or without PU etc? Unfortunately this is the kind of 'scientific' research which is the foundation for modern legislation, funding etc.).

The approach we used in our university project (comparing SB and standard passive house building) was to pinpoint the building site to one location (here), which made it easier to calculate embodied energy due to processing, transport and disposal, in context of local energy, production, distances and legislation data.

Hope that's of help to you?
Best greetings to the new year, and for any Czechs among the list: Here's a link to a TV documentary which will be aired at 17:30 today of one of the newest SB houses in CZ; A very nice round one:Â http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/program/chalupajehra/
-There's 5 photos on the website for those of you without Cz Tv, and i suspect you may be able to view it online soon.

Max Vittrup Jensen
www.jen-sen.cz - www.permamax.blogspot.com - www.permalot.org