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[Strawbale]Virus problem

Hello balers,

Sorry to interrupt you straw-thoughts and be off topic with this 
miserable item, but someone is sending me multiple copies of the 
Netsky worm. A specific peculiarity in the way they are addressed to 
me makes me think they might be coming from someone who also 
subscribes to this list. The virus emails are NOT coming from the 
list itself, so don't go unsubscribing.

I've had a dozen of these over the past four days, and I think the 
worm is getting my address from someone who has a saved copy of an 
old list message from me. I may not be the only one getting them. So 
if you haven't done so lately, could I ask all you nice strawbalers 
to please update your anti-virus software and run a scan before you 
next email anyone.

Thank you.

Stewart H.