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Re: [Strawbale]Ideas


I don't want to bash your ideas, but I've never set
foot in a building with huge glass areas which stayed
comfortable without the aid of highly expensive and
energy-consuming climate control systems. The surface
area of glazing is one of the most important things to
consider when designing even a non-sustainable
building. Too much or too little and you'll screw up
your energy-balance (amongst other things). Given the
amount of energy needed to produce, transport and
recycle glass in comparison to strawbales doesn't make
glass a really attractive option for large infills. 

Also, with a roof as big as yours and the fact that it
only bears it's load on the outer walls, you'll
probably need a steel loadbearing structure which I
advise not to use as a material in combination with
strawbale infill. This is because there's a big chance
that there will be surface-condensation on the steel
structure inside the strawbales and as you might now
moisture (unless given the chance to evaporate
swiftly) don't mix. One solution to this problem might
be to keep al the structural element inside the
thermal shielding (strawbales and high-insulation


Walter Faas

Walter Faas
Hoogkamerlaan 65a
2284 GL  Rijswijk
tel: 06-16742330

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