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Re: [Strawbale] strawbales in Mexico

Hello Els
In the book "the straw bale house" from Athena andBill Steen and more you
will find an invitation for reader to response. if you do'nt have the book,
you can have the adresse here:
The canelo project
HC1 Box 324
Elgin, Arixzona 85611
They show a lot of pictures from New Mexico, USA, and will probably have a
lot of contact in Mexico too.
I dont have the e-mail adress, but you will find the adresse either under
strawbale, their name or the Canelo project on Internet, I guess. If not you
will have to do like smily!

I wish you good luck.
Alice Reite

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Els De Leeuw" <deleeuwels@yahoo...>
To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:24 AM
Subject: [Strawbale] strawbales in Mexico

> Hello,
> From the 17th of April till the 15th of May, I'll be
> in Mexico, travelling between MexicoDF and Sonora,
> maybe also Baja California. Is somebody working with
> strawbales in that region?
> I'm a architect, building with strawbales in
> Belgium...
> It would be great to see other strawbale constructions
> or meet people who are working with it.
> You can contact me by email: deleeuwels@yahoo...
> Thanks,
> els
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