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[Strawbale] Building strawbale vaults - workshop may-july in New Mexico

Shay Salomon asked me to forward this workshop information:


Learn how to build a vaulted, straw bale cabin!

   In the summer of 2000, eight women of "Women Build Houses" gathered 
in northern New  Mexico at the Lama Foundation to build a new 
hermitage, the "Bear" hermitage. The Bear is built of straw bales, 
vaulted over a bamboo and aspen frame, plastered and roofed with 
other natural and recycled materials. It is a snug and lovely place, 
and a popular destination for individuals seeking a spiritual 
retreat. To know more please look at 

   The Lama community has asked the group to return this summer and 
build two more vaulted straw bale cabins.  Two long workshops will be 
held. The first will run May 30-July 24.  Participants will build the 
rough structure, learning masonry, straw bale, carpentry, and roofing 
skills and will have the opportunity to attend "Build Here Now," an 
annual natural building conference. The second course will run August 
7-September 3.  In the second course we will plaster the walls, 
finish the floors, and learn other finishing details.  Both courses 
will incorporate some mindfullness meditation into the practice of 
building.  People who complete both courses will know how to build 
their own vaulted cabin, start to finish.

   The cost of the course is $1650 for the first, and $700 for the 
second, or $1850 for both. A 10% discount is offered to those who 
register before March 25.  All meals (3/day plus two snacks) and some 
other expenses are included in this price.  Children are very 
welcome, and childcare will be provided for an additional sliding 
scale fee.  Arrangements can be made for partners/husbands to stay at 
Lama during the course.   College credit may be available.  Fluency 
in English is not required to understand the course. Some translation 
into French and Spanish will be available. Scholarships are 
available. Please inquire about them.

   We are particularly seeking artists, architects, builders, 
carpenters, draftswomen, engineers, farmers, gardeners, meditators, 
teachers and others who are likely to use the skills learned in the 
course in their work.

Vaulted straw bale buildings require little or no wood, are 
super-insulated, and have a shape that appeals to many people 
spiritually, aesthetically, and  acoustically.   They are especially 
suitable as mountain cabins,  desert retreats,  hermitages,  sound 
studios, agricultural sheds for animals or seed storage,  as garden 
follies or backyard guest houses.  To see some examples, visit 

    For complete information, or to request an application form, 
please contact Jen at lamavault2004@hotmail....