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Re: [Strawbale] strawbales in Mexico

Amaai, Els,

Dat zal wel interessant worden!
Een maand tussen strobalen pendelen, en dan nog wel in Mexico...
Hoe staat het ondertussen hier in België?
Nog nieuwe stobalenprojecten op til?
Wat is de situatie in Koersel? Zal die workshop dit jaar doorgaan?

Geniet er in elk geval van!



> Hello, 
> From the 17th of April till the 15th of May, I'll be
> in Mexico, travelling between MexicoDF and Sonora,
> maybe also Baja California. Is somebody working with
> strawbales in that region?
> I'm a architect, building with strawbales in
> Belgium... 
> It would be great to see other strawbale constructions
> or meet people who are working with it.
> You can contact me by email: deleeuwels@yahoo...
> Thanks, 
> els
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