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re: [strawbale] a technical question about foundations

Hi Rikki,

The lumps of clay: 
Easiest is to have a big amount of water (bathtub, garbage bins) and throw your clumpy clay in the water. (Don't add water to clay but clay to water)
Then let it sit (the longer the better). The water will come in between the clay particles and clumps become softer, and at some point even disappear. You'll be surprised to see how soft it will feel after a few months, (put a bucket aside just to experience this) The longer the clay sits, the easier it is to work with.

Using 'pure' clay for a floor. I don't think it'll work, because the floor will crack, big time. Then again, I've seen a mud floor that has cracked (too much clay content, on purpose!) 
but the cracks have been filled (with an other color of clay). 
I would not make any quick decisions if I were you. Try test patches, have 'em dry out well and see what happens. 
Bill and Athena Steen have a booklet on earthen floors that is very well written.

I've seen a lot of beautiful earthen floors in the US, but they are not as simple to do as a SB wall.

As an experimental!!! idea, and not tested as far as I know, I would suggest to mix your clay with a high percentage (probably more than the volume of the clay/water) of chopped up straw. This is the way the Steens do their plaster. The straw prevents the cracking. Then have a final thin layer of the right mix sand/clay to top this floor. (Some might suggest much more staw for insulation, but be sure the floor stays solid, and no trampoline)

Any other ideas anyone?

In any case make sure water cannot whick up from the ground into your floor! Even in a dry climate.
Best of luck,

La Maison en Paille
Information Center on ECO-LOGIC Habitat

Andre & Coralie de Bouter
Le Trezidoux
16290 Champmillon
Charente, France 
Tel. (0)5 45 66 27 68 


We are currently building our Straw Bale house/'hotel' to receive people for guided tours, Straw Bale workshops, as well as other workshops.
We offer multimedia presentations on SB construction and are working on a (copyright free) CDrom on Natural Construction.