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RE: [strawbale] Re:4th European straw-bale Gathering and Workshop; Slowenia 2001

back again in Den Haag I'd like to encourage again the preparations for the gathering in Slovenia. Thanks to Stojan and Rengeo. Unfortunately I left the gathering last year in England to catch the plane before the final resumee so I relay on what I perceive through some drumtalk in the meantime.
Recent drums are talking that Barbara Jones, Pascal Thepaut, Lisa Walcher, Herbert & Astrid Gruber seem to join the gathering already, which is great and I will be there too.
Surely if financial aspects need to be considered and take a considerable amount of the fee, alternatives can be found. During the gathering in Brittany for example, we joined during one night a local fiest with music and dance. Everybody liked it. Another option would be a "straw-bale-road show" to the paying public, like we did on that miraclous tour from Arizona to California. A key issue is indeed "community", how we support those who volunteerd as organisers and vice versa...
Back to the drums: I don't know who is informed yet (is there a list of participants of this network?) - its useful to send this message around in our personal networks as time is running hard...
Hope also time for the next gathering will be fixed for next year in Slovenia - so Harald, Andre/Coralie, Catherine, Chug etc. can join...
En bientot,
zurück in Den Haag nochmal unterstützend die Vorbereitungen des Treffens in Slovenien ins Licht halten. Stojan und Rengeo erstmal herzlichen Dank für Eure Vorbereitungen. Das vorige Treffen in England hatte ich nicht ganz zu Ende mitgemacht, um das Flugzeug noch gerade zu erwischen. So beziehe ich mich auf das weitere "Getrommel" ringsrum.
Neustes "Getrommel" sagt, dass Barabara Jones, Pascal Thepaut, Lisa Walcher, Herbert und Astrid Gruber bereits zu kommen scheinen und ich auch.
Wenn die Kalkulation erneut reflektiert werden sollte, könnten Alternativen gefunden werden, um die Kosten zu drücken. Zum Beispiel gingen wir bei dem Treffen in der Bretagne eines abends zu einem örtlichen Fest mit Musik und Tanz. Jeder fand das toll. Bei der wunderbaren Tour Arizona-California hatten die Teilnehmer eine "straw-bale-road-show", also einen Vortragsabend über Strohballenbau für ein interessiertes Publikum gehalten, der gut besucht und gut bezahlt war. Ein zentraler Punkt ist in der Tat der Aspekt "Gemeinschaft": wie können wir diejenigen unterstützen, die sich freiwillig als Organisatoren angeboten hatten und andersrum...
Zurück zu den Trommeln: Ich weis nicht, wer inzwischen informiert ist und wer nicht (gibt es eine Liste, wer an diesem Netzwerk teilnimmt?) - es ist sinnvoll, wenn wir Informationen zum Treffen auch über unsere persönlichen Netzwerke herumschicken. Die Zeit verfliegt...
Hoffentlich fixieren wir auch den Zeitpunkt des nächsten Treffens, sodass Harald, Andre, Coralie, Catherine, Chug etc. dabei sein können.
Bis bald,
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: owner-strawbale@eyfa... [mailto:owner-strawbale@eyfa...]Namens Catherine Wanek
Verzonden: woensdag 22 augustus 2001 22:48
Aan: strawbale-l@eyfa...
Onderwerp: [strawbale] Re:4th European straw-bale Gathering and Workshop; Slowenia 2001

Dear Stojan, Martin O., et all,

Great suggestion by Andre.  I have been worrying that there will be no announcement in The Last Straw Journal before your European Gathering -- so would like to make up for it with photos and a report in the NEXT issue.   This means that SOMEONE will need to volunteer to write something right away after the event, to make our deadline for the next issue, which will go to press around November 1st.  AND email some photos.

So, this is a call for such a volunteer.  Please contact me ON or OFF this list.

Meanwhile, I will forward your Announcement to the various Natural Building Lists I'm on, and get it posted to the Greenbuilder.com Calendar.

Best regards,
Catherine Wanek, Editor
<blackrange@zianet...>  or <thelaststraw@strawhomes...>

At 01:33 PM 8/22/01 +0100, you wrote:
Dear Stojan and other baleheads,

I'm glad the SB gathering is taking form and I wish you all a fruitfull meeting. Coralie and I won't be able to join since we will be attending workshops in the US during the month of Oct.

May I suggest that one person writes down what is decided during the gathering as well as a brief desciption of the happenings to be posted on this list so that those who cannot join are up to date.


P.S. If you like, the next European SB Gathering could be held at our house/info-center here in France (just above Bordeaux) 2-3 November 2002. We are launching a 'full front media attack' here in France and I feel that having the meeting here could trigger a lot.
(The World SB Conference will be November 25-30th in Australia).

> Hello Stojan,
> Thank you for sending me this invitation.  It is a few days too late to get
> into the latest issue of The Last Straw Journal, but I did see it on the
> straw-l@eyfa... list, so I I know that you will have a good turnout from
> Europe.
> I would like to go, but already am very busy in October, with other
> workshops and another deadline for The Last Straw (TLS).
> But - maybe I can send some copies of TLS, to distribute at the Gathering.
> I will also send your announcement out to other lists, in the US.
> If someone wanted to fly from the U.S. to Slowenia, what would be the best
> airport/major city to fly into?
> How would they travel to the destination?
> Regardss,
> Catherine Wanek
> At 02:35 PM 8/16/01 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hallo Catherine Vanek!
> >
> >Together with Martin Oehlmann I Have prepare this Invitation ( attachment)
> >for Gathering and Workshop. I have sent You already the message but
> >because i have not receive the answer I am doing it again.
> >Please inform as much as possible members (and notmembers)  of "straw-bale
> >network" about it. I've already put it on to a
> ><mailto:straw-l@eyfa...>straw-l@eyfa...<mailto:straw-l@eyfa...>org but the
> >server gave me
> >the answer : adress does'nt exist !? So i have repeat the tusk today again.
> >Please send the information to all you know ( probably only in Europe, but
> >not necessary )!
> >
> >Stojan
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: Catherine Wanek <<mailto:blackrange@zianet...>blackrange@zianet...com>
> >>To:
> >><mailto:strawbale-l@eyfa...>strawbale-l@eyfa...<mailto:strawbale-l@eyfa...>org
> >><<mailto:strawbale-l@eyfa...>strawbale-l@eyfa...<mailto:strawbale-l@eyfa...>org>
> >>Date: 26. julij 2001 2:06
> >>Subject: Re: [strawbale] Proposal for introduction
> >>
> >>Hello all -
> >>
> >>It's great to be connected to this group (although I live and work in
> >>Kingston, New Mexico, USA), since currently I'm the editor of The Last
> >>Straw, the International Journal of Straw Bale and Natural Building
> >>(www.strawhomes.com)    As you may already know, we are always interested
> >>in sharing European news with the world-wide SB community..................
> >
> >

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **


La Maison en Paille
Information Center on ECO-LOGIC Habitat

Andre & Coralie de Bouter
Le Trezidoux
16290 Champmillon
Charente, France
Tel. (0)5 45 66 27 68


We are currently building our Straw Bale house/'hotel' to receive people for guided tours, Straw Bale workshops, as well as other workshops.
We also work on a (copyright free) CDrom on Natural Construction.