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Re: info_on_raw2lum compile

Mr. Hollan,
i try to compile raw2lum , with FPC but the compile failed

Me too... I've found it. Developing the 134 version, I've added a function ttrim to str_num. And a day later I've changed the name to rtrim. On amper, the meantime version remained. Now there are renewed 134 source versions as well as the proper str_num.pas unit.

And the compiled *.exe are within the win32 directory.

Thanks for alerting me, it was an unpleasant fault. I should make some order even on my original website astro.sci.muni.cz, where all the pascal sources should be up to date. Probably they are not.

Hope the new versions will work for you, if not, write me at once, so that I repair what's needed.

 lp, jenik