[IAN] Touchdown! (fwd)

Petr Pravec ppravec na asu....cz
Pondělí Únor 12 21:16:23 CET 2001

Takze NEAR prave pred chvili pristal a pry stale vysila, lezice na boku!

Petr Pravec

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 12:14:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Ron Baalke <baalke na zagami....nasa.gov>
To: Minor Planet Mailing List <mpml na yahoogroups...>
Subject: {MPML} Touchdown!

The NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft has successfully touched down on the
surface of Eros.  Transmissions from the spacecraft are still being
received from the surface of the asteroid.  Preliminary data 
indicates the spacecraft has fallen on its side.

Ron Baalke

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