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Re: [Strawbale] SB in South America

Avoid cement if possible. Stick with lime plaster. It's a much better finish and will allow your bales the best opportunity to breathe and live a long, happy life.


On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 1:15 AM, donald mchardy <fieryx@hotmail...> wrote:

Thank you very much for that info, most helpful and encouraging. 
... arcilla, arena, cal, serrin  ...
There doesn't seem to be any info on the web about this, I presume one mixes the clay and sand together into the desired consistency, like cob or adobe?
Do you know of any websites or books which deal with SB in Sth America?
Thanks again
 > strawbale in español is ALPACAS DE PAJA very common in all s america but in Mexico and Bolivia are thousands of houses,
about the lime mortar, you can ask for ARCILLA, put arcilla, arena, cal, serrin and a bit of cemento,
also use some PULPA DE NOPAL as glue in the water. Rafael.

>> ... any info or resources wrt SB in South America ...


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