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Re: [Strawbale] SB in South America

Excellent.   Smile

I live in South Spain, Cadiz mountains and this is the way we do it, I mean

3 Sand    arena
3 Arcilla   Clay
3 Serrin   Wood sourdust
1 Cemento
1 Cal    White Hidroxid Calcium(old white paint in southern countries like Andalucia or Mexico.)

 About the mucilago of <nopal, you need to chop 20 or 30 Nopal Leaves into a water deposit, leave them for 1 day, and then use the water to make the Mix
That mucilag is antiparasite, antibacterial and flexible, and make the mix very smooth and easy to aply even with the hands, and after dry, will give flesibility the wall surface, advoiding the craks.
 Alñso you can check onto www.casasdepaja.org (housesofstraw)
good luck mate.