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Re: [Strawbale] Plaster and fire safety -And PU question

Hi Max,
i have a PDF from a college of mine, but
it is only in german. Sorry for all others.
Formaldehyd is a naturel product contained in wood.
There are no formaldeyd free OSB´s (wood).
After "they" found out how bad formaldehyd is, "they" changed the clue
to PU-clue. But this clue contains isocyanate... THat PU-clue is worse...but most people just don´t know!
As a building biologist i wouldn´t use OSB´s in my home!

Mould can be a big problem and is unacpetibal in our houses.
If have seen OSB´s full with mould. They were on the outside but
never got wet. It must have been the normal air humidety.
Normal untreated wood would have done much better.

Viele  Grüße

Attachment: Stephan Streil - Schadstoffe-Isocyanate-W+G 120.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Am 07.12.2010 um 01:25 schrieb Max Vittrup Jensen:

Lastly PU:
Kurt: What's your information about toxicity of Poly Urethan? (Used as
glue in OSB). As an Ing. in Environmental Management, I'd instantly
point at the lifecycle issue of it; how the heck do you separate the
stuff, in order to dispose/recycle the items separately????  Any
solutions for that, Herbert? ;o)


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