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Re: [Strawbale] OSB or Not? (rendering versus sheeting)

Dear All,
I hesitate to join in such discussions because my only experience is with my own strawbalehouse, and that doesn't follow any of the rules. However building experience and common sense says that Jeff is right on all aspects. I would just like to add that the space between bale and OSB would create a chimney effect in the sad event of fire starting that would allow rapid spread and acceleration of combustion. One thing that makes strawbale buildings more resistant to fire than a normal timber framed house is that there are, usually, no such cavities. Re. the exterior rain protection, I cover all of the (lime rendered) bales with tiles and use the chimney effect to draw air over the exterior render. I also leave the exterior lime rough "as sprayed" to present more surface area to the afore mentioned draught. By the way all my lime render and plaster was done with one only sprayed layer and after three coats of limewash the interior is nearly as smooth as gypsum plaster - certainly smoother than I anticipated.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff Ruppert" <jeff.ruppert@gmail...>
To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Strawbale] OSB or Not? (rendering versus sheeting)

Hello Everyone,

There are many important reasons to not use OSB over bales.  But what is
more important is to ask why do we use plaster?

1.  Plaster increases the insulating qualities of a bale wall
many-fold.  It is not a trivial amount.  If air is allowed to circulate
on and through the bales, the wall as an assembly will not insulate as
well as if it is plastered.

2.  Plaster increases the fire resistance of bales exponentially.
Without it you are risking losing your home from something as simple as
a electrical short.  If the bales are not sealed with plaster they will
ignite much easier.

3.  Plaster keeps rodents and insects out if detailed properly.  Without
plaster rodents will have a much easier time moving about the walls and
spreading within.

4.  Your plaster can be a structural component of your building.  By
adding plywood or OSB you are not connecting the plaster to your bales
and eliminating it as shown in many structural tests.  If plywood is
used it will take the place of plaster on the bales to resist in-plane
shear forces, but why spend more money than necessary?

5.  Plaster, when done properly and maintained will last for many years.

6.  You may want to consider a rain-screen type of assembly, but you
will still need at least one coat of plaster on any exposed bales behind
the screen for many of the reasons above.  If you are in a very wet
climate, this is a preferred method on any type of construction, bale
walls included.  Maybe this is what is meant by "OSB or Not?", but even
if you use OSB or plywood, you still need to seal the bales with plaster
behind the sheeting material.

Hope this helps.

Jeff Ruppert, P.E.
Kabul, Afghanistan
   European strawbale building discussion list

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