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[Strawbale] Europe's largest strawbale building

Ah, Lovely; a juicy discussion!

1) Mr. Bane; Thank you for your clarifications, very appreciated, and good luck on your factory. And none-the-least: Can you supply a http://www.dragongpb.com/ENG.html for the ESBG 2011!!!!  [I need one badly for my house ;o) ]

2) Peter van Bale(n): Eh...what can I say? "Touche"?  As mentioned I'm going on "due to my non-scientific gut feeling", an yes it's a very valid point that I ought to look into the difference by using drywall. I'd appreciate if you could mail me the other methods you refer to?
And to your direct question; No, I've never used a moisture sensors; never could afford them, and apart from being a paid worker on SB sites, then the only residential building I'm working on is my own.

3) Herbert: Very good information. Are you able to forward me the German text about the Czech made OSB boards? Their own site ( http://en.kronospan.cz/osb-superfinish-eco.html )  claims there's no formaldehyde, however you're referring to " Kronotec", perhaps different product/company?
And about Austria having enough wood: In such case, would you mind telling them not to keep importing the lumber from my surrounding forests here in Moravia? :oP

4) Paul: Nice blog, good luck with it. I don't want to be a spoil-sport, but I generally find there's more to gain by creating synergy. I left the board of Natural Building Network this summer and as such can't speak for them, however I think they would appreciate another European board member, or simply volunteer. They already have a well build site with loads of daily hits, however lack the time to maintain it. There's also a .ning site which I started as a bonus for the paying NBN members (you get access when you pay membership), which is a platform much like what you describe you're creating now. All in all, I'd like to recommend all of you who have wider interest than simply straw bale building to boost the resource of Natural Building Network. www.nbnetwork.com

5) Derelict: Lovely to see we agree!
