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[Strawbale] Natural Building Blog Launched!

A simple blog about Natural Building. Sharing projects, pictures and news from various parts of Europe and the world and spreading information about different events taking place around us.

Hello fellow Natural Builders, whoever and where-ever you may be. 

Some of you may have thought of this idea before and of course in some cases already have blogs of your own in your various regions/countries, but I would like to begin this blog for all to discuss about Natural Building, whether you are professional, amateur, or just curious to discover more about what exactly Natural Building is. I know as a professional Natural Builder that I always have a lot of questions to ask about Straw bale building or clay plastering or where I can get certain natural pigments or paints for example, but I am lucky to have friends in different areas of Natural Building that I can ask. Wouldn’t it be nice though to have a place where anyone can ask and find free info from different  professionals or people with experience. I would love/hope that you can take part in making this a reality, and help this to become a successful blogspace to discuss, share ideas and information, ask questions, share projects and pictures, post invitations to various happenings, events and courses around europe or indeed the world (why not?)

This blog is going to posted once a month in which you will receive a newsletter with the months stories or topics, projects and pictures and info about courses and events. The newsletter will have links under the various headings which will take you straight to the blog page and the story that interests you, so just follow the link to read about that particular topic and get involved and share anything that may be on your mind. At the end of each newsletter there will be some information about the following months topics/stories and from this I would hope that you could take an interest in sending me some possible stories or projects and pictures from your experiences, related to that topic. There will also be a deadline date that you must have your stories or topics in by so I can include them in the following blog.


I am beginning this blog with the hope that some of you out there would also like to join in and help to keep it going, possibly by writing some little stories of your own projects or those you have been involved in. I would especially be grateful if you can forward the blog link to those you feel would be interested in it and by also sending me any feedback on how to make the blog better. 

I feel this will be a great asset in promoting Natural Building within Europe and hope you will give me your support in making it a success.

With many warm welcomes and thanks.


Paul Lynch / Manager
The Natural Building Company Oy Finland