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I am sorry, I tried to reply to Mr. Jure Pozar himself.
I can offer you a little better translation, but I think you managed to provide some 85% exact meaning.
Personally, I am in straw-bale building for several years (since 2006.). But, as a construction engineer (gradjevinac = construction engineer), I prefer to see all mistakes first on the scetches and blue-prints, before any work on site.
Mr. Jure Pozar tried to collect here a lot of information about building with straw-bale, but according to scetch he posted, also to my personal opinion, he didn't understood the esential if he decided to use straw-bales in this particular manner as shown on the scetch.
I have seen a lot of enthusiasts which start with good will and sincere efforts, but ends with lost terms and money, and this story is not about straw-bale builders only.
Whenever something new comes out, a lot of people remember only the benefits of it, but they often pay less attention for sustainability of their own investment.
I saw the Guardian article from November 2nd and I appreciated it very much. But they have a serious team of engineers, especially for the public building they are building with straw-bale usage.
Mr Jure Pozar lives in the country where the wood as constructiion material is not commonly used, so there are only few people - structural engineers involved in wood construction. Add the novelty of straw-bales to that, and, this is again my personal opinion, I think he will be in problems over his head in a matter of several weeks after start. There aren't much help from the Croatian government for this kind of projects, so beside seriousness of his project, he must calculate all additional risks. That is what I am saying.
He allready said that Slovenians who have some (particular) experience, are not willing to help thie way he expect.
So, to Mr. Jure Pozar and the others:
I expect to start construction of our factory of 4.400 sqm near Belgrade next year. Idea was born at the end of 2006. During 2007. we finished fire testing and papirology. During 2008. we managed to round the financial backup for the project itself. The project costed something over 80.000 euros, and during 2009. we paid all fees and licences, so we can choose the starting term. During this year we are finishing investment construction (it is 6,5 mil of Euros investment) and planing to start next year.
So, the message is: MAKE YOUR PROJECTS 'WORK ON THE PAPER' (or in computer), BEFORE STARTING IT.
It is very important do divide beatifulness of building with straw-bales and sustainable funding for it.
Best regards to all,
Bane M. Prvanovic
GPB Solutions d.o.o.
Celopecka 8
11000 Beograd
t / f +381 11 386 23 29
m + 381 60 711 0 211
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 7:17 PM

With all due respect of national languages, then I expect there's others than me who were interested in this answer, and likely not all of you are aware of translate.google.com?

This came out, as usual it's somewhat garbles, but it provides an insight. What I find most stricking is the statement of "  Straw bales should not be viewed as a substitute for insulation, but as construction blocks from which to build major walls usually within a structure (reinforced concrete, steel or wood)"

Easiest disclaimer: Look at Arch. Werner Schmidts 3 story hotel in alpine conditions; Build without any other structure: Strong -insulating- construction blocks!


Whoever drew the cross section of the wall, is wrong. This is not a good way and this way you will surely burst mortar view .. Straw bales should not be viewed as a substitute for insulation, but as construction blocks from which to build major walls usually within a structure (reinforced concrete, steel or wood). This drawing looks like me, extra insulation on the assembly house.

Installations are offered within the walls of constructed of straw bales - the bales were dug canals sander that has a disk as a power saw or chainsaw, cables and pipes to be put down in these channels so that all izmalterise.

I do not know what kind of finish you want to achieve, but if you work outside and inside clay render - OSB or other panels are absolutely unnecessary. 
After very little practice in flattening mentioned brick-clad wall of bales of straw will get a proper surface for causing clay mortar.

As for the settlements, the construction of the facility should provide rigidity, not a wall of straw. When the bales inside the brick wall of the structure, there is no fear of shooting from the settlement. Bale is located within the frame of some kind, well-wedged, line up and plastered. 
On particular points of the set of reinforcements rabic (galvanized woven network) in order to avoid cracking plaster (no matter what he types.

Tightness straw bales are regulated during baling and it's good to contract directly with the stubble fields, and then with someone who will particularly hit the balirati tension out there (which is a ball of string tied).

I do not know if you read my previous posts, but I can find very useful source of information. Next year we begin to build our factory of 4,400 m2, of which all the walls will be the straw bales. 
We are the only company in Serbia, which is certified by a wall of straw bales on fire resistance of 120 minutes (as per our rules should not be longer).

Study the professional (as gradevinac) building with straw for years and I can say that I was quite far advanced in it.

The desire to help, not to impose, we send our deepest regards and made available to every question.

M. Bane Prvanovic

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