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Re: [Strawbale] Europe's largest strawbale building

Dear fellow Balers, 

Thank you Simon for the link to the Guardian site, and for whoever wrote about Modcell in the comments. I read it all, wrote a comment with a link to Amazon's 2 story apartment building and a couple of days after my comment I got called up by a young lady who worked for an agency which had been appointed by EU to write an informative summery about SB building for 22.000 decision makers in EU!
The interviewer (a student job) had also seen the Modcell page, but knew little else. The basic question from the commission seemed to be; "If this thing can make the Guardian, how come we don't know about it? And why don't we use SB to reach some of the environmental Co2 targets, by using it for public buildings, such as schools?"

I spent 45 minutes on the phone with her, and in the end she had enough information to write a book(?), including why SB building is so much more holistic than simply blindly advocating passive house standards. I believe she would also mention pre-fab systems in her report. I finalized by giving her the link to Dirk Scharmer and FASBA, for European research and contact to building companies; this would also likely be mentioned in her report.

If you (like me) share the concern that there's only 4 years left to act (Explanation here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_6iTCo5Ci8 ), then I hope it the manages to wake up the right bureacrats, building firms etc., and things start to move in the right direction... 
...And while on the theme of waking up; Only 20 people has found the 5 minutes it takes to fill out the ESBG 2011 survey. It's great input, and will help shape the ESBG, however we'd need much more participatory input before the event will be optimal for many more of you. Please click here:  https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFlWcVNOQ0hWS29nejV0dGxfdGV5NWc6MQ
...This is also the way for those of you with a topic to present, a workshop to lead, to make us aware that you exists, and that we need to find time for you.

Max Vittrup Jensen
  1.  Europe's largest strawbale building (Simon Blackbourn)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 22:34:52 +0000
From: Simon Blackbourn <piemanek@gmail...>
Subject: [Strawbale] Europe's largest strawbale building

Just spotted this in The Guardian, thought it might be of interest to people
on the list:


Shame about many of the ignorant comments, I guess they show there's still a
huge amount to do to convince people of the merits and viability of
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