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[Strawbale] ESBG 2011

Dear all,

I just realized that the mail below was sent in a way so the central link to our survey did not get displayed.
Here it is: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFlWcVNOQ0hWS29nejV0dGxfdGV5NWc6MQ

-It was sent to about 500 people, but perhaps you were not among them, your spam filter might have been too tight? Anyhow here it is. It's only by filling out the link that you'll really learn about the detailed ESBG 2011 program, and will get your say in various decisions in this regard.

Looking forward to seeing you here next August,

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 12:00 PM, <strawbale-request@amper....muni.cz> wrote:

Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 23:36:51 +0100
From: Fano <fano@fano...>
To: mailman-owner@amper...ped.muni.cz
Subject: ESBG 2011


I would like to post this message to the list. Thank you.


We are contacting you as we have your name either as a participant of a
previous straw bale event, or you're a national networker able to share
this information in your network, or you're simply reading it on the EU
SB list or the new SB web. This will be last time we write to
ex-participants, from now on we simply publish news to the networkers,
e-list and web.

As you may know, the European Strawbale Gathering 2011 is slowly, but
inevitably coming....

Let me introduce myself and tell you so much as I know in the moment....

My name is Milan Fano Blatny.
A little about me: I live in the City of Brno, 2 hours away from the
ESBG11 site in Moravia, Czech Republic. I graduated as a mason and an
artist, I am an self-builder? and am interested in natural building and
were a participant of the three annual 'National Building Celebrations'
arranged by PermaLot. (Host of the ESBG11). www.permalot.org
I am a part of the ESBG11 organizing team, my role for the ESBG team is
that sort of the 'International communicator'; All your questions,
comments, requests goes to me and I'll forward them to the appropriate
team members if I can't answer them myself. -Even when I can answer them
then please be patient as we have build in a system of transparency
which means that prior to my answers the other members have a day and
night to comment on it. It's easier for all if you write in English,
however if in need I also understand German, Russian, and Spanish.

So at the moment we work like horses to make it all happen.

The most important to remember: The main ESBG11 dates are from
23.08.2011 to 28.08.2011.
The ESBG11 will take place in and around the rural homestead run as a
demonstration and educational centre for natural building by the NGO
PermaLot. It is in the outskirts of a remote little Moravian village,
Bouzov Podoli, near the castle of Bouzov and features two SB buildings +
much more. Most of the activities will be in Bouzov Podoli and happen in
various large tents however we'll also rent a gym for a day of
conference set-up. Franta Zacek and team will be cooking organic meals
here, much grown on the farm. Accommodation will range in many levels,
from camping and dormitory in Bouzov Podoli, to nearby pensions and

To giv you an idea of what we're busy with, so far we working on this
over all plan:

1) A one week workshop: "House in 5 Days" (Building a small permanent
house of big-bales in Bouzov Podoli). During the week from 14/08 to
19/08 2011.
Target group: During workshop: About 25 Czech and international
intermediate straw bale builders. After: Participants at the ESBG,
viewers of the TV program, general public participating at the eco fair.
Instructors: Czech Petr Skorepa and one more....(You?)

2) Optional bus tour of straw bale houses; See https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFlWcVNOQ0hWS29nejV0dGxfdGV5NWc6MQ for ideas of what
to see.

3)ESBG 2011will start 17:00 Tuesday 23/08. The current rough program
is outlined in our survey, and lasts until Saturday night the 27/08
Target group: 130 of the European architects, engineers and builders
involved in straw bale building.

4) A large 'Eco-Fair' on Saturday 27/08 as a final day with activities
for general public (inspired by pre-ESBG09), in order to serve the many
Czech/Slovaks who'll enjoy meeting the ESBG participants, but whom we
can't fit in during the week.
Target group: General public, significantly all of the Czechs who would
like to come to the ESBG11, but whom we can't accept due to logistic

5) National 'Open Door' day in Czech straw bale houses on 28/08 (2011),
Target group: General public in Czech Republic, as well as some of the
ESBG participants too on their way home.
Marketing: Tom Vaclavik of www.GreenMarketing.cz

Of course, there will be a lot more detailed program, as we know more
about what you want and what you want to offer.

In the moment we are working on budgeting and creating a system of how
to select the participants of the gathering, as we have a limit of 130
participants. Our suggestion is that each country administrates national
systems of selecting 5 participants (+ a list of others, in case some
nations can't send 5): We strongly welcome any suggestions; Please use
the survey.
-We also recommend that you arrange for national events to satisfy the
knowledge request within your country, and relieve the ESBG as being
'The Place' to go for basic straw bale building information.

We would like to remind you of our hope to cooperate with any of the
national groups regarding facilitate some of the program (Anyone wants
to handle the selection of presenters for the conference), and please let us
know if you have something which you would like to present at the ESBG
2011; best way is to write it in the survey

I am looking forward to this Gathering in the beautiful valley of Bouzov
Podoli, full of straw.

See you there,


P.S.:To help lower the overall costs of ESBG2011 we're considering
making an application for a networking seminar for youth educators. We
would appreciate if you are likely to be a ESBG participant, and often
teach youth (between 15 to 30 years old) about SB, to please contact us
before November 15th, If you are interested to be a partner in the
application. If it's approved you'll earn a solid discount on the travel
and ESBG fee, and significantly help lower the price for everyone.
