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Re: [Strawbale] Strawbalenglish (was Re: workshops / wallraisings)
Hello Everybody.
I was surprised that one mail make a big discussion. I received a mail in
Dutch so I answer in Dutch. And if people want to read it they can also use
the translator. Bud sorry for 1 mail I send not in English.
I want to tell that we are giving a workshop in Holland that is given by Tom
Rijven this year.
Greeting Audrey
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz
[mailto:strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz] Namens RT
Verzonden: dinsdag 2 februari 2010 20:39
Aan: Euro SB
Onderwerp: [Strawbale] Strawbalenglish (was Re: workshops / wallraisings)
On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 11:26:18 -0500, Derek Roff <derek@unm...> wrote:
> I also think it is reasonable to communicate via this list to a
> smaller subset of our membership, in whatever language is most
> appropriate. I hope that messages will appear from time to time in
> Dutch, German, Polish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and
> whatever other languages might help communicate to the desired subset
> of our members.
Nihao Eh ?
I think that this whole schmozzle could be easily resolved if everyone just
began speaking and writing the language that the greatest number of this
planet's inhabitants call their native language and in the future, may well
displace English as the universal language in daily global
transactions-- Chinese.
But failing that, I don't have a problem with people posting in languages
other than English and like Derek, I am delighted to see and encourage such.
True, there will be segments of the list membership who may not understand
but if they truly want to, it does not take much effort to make use of any
on the on-line translators in order to catch the gist of the message and in
so doing, they may learn a little bit of that "foreign" language ...
and that, I think, is a Good Thing.
And if they don't make the effort to translate the message, nothing is lost
because the message's intended audience will still have been reached.
=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
<A r c h i L o g i c at Y a h o o dot c a > (manually winnow the chaff
from my edress if you hit "Reply")
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