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Re: [Strawbale] workshops / wallraisings

I agree with Piotr, it's international group - please use English. There are other places for national specific discussions. If we want people treat this place seriously not as spam - I think it's good idea.


2010/2/2 Derek Roff <derek@unm...>
I have a somewhat different viewpoint.  I think the hegemony of
English, and the excessive influence of Anglo-American culture, are
impediments to a better world.  (And please understand that I am a
native speaker of English and an American).  I hope that we can support
and encourage the use of other languages in all spheres of life.  I see
it as part of our mission to improve the planet, strengthen
communities, and empower individuals.

We have the obvious dilemma, that English is the most general
inter-language in this group.  Hence it is the most effective way to
spread a message to the majority of us.  But I also think it is
reasonable to communicate via this list to a smaller subset of our
membership, in whatever language is most appropriate.  I hope that
messages will appear from time to time in Dutch, German, Polish,
French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and whatever other languages
might help communicate to the desired subset of our members.  While
many of us might not understand the text of some of these messages, we
all will understand the foundational meaning- that we support, rather
than suppress, all languages and cultures.

Obviously, personal email discussions intended for just a few people,
in whatever language, are better done off the list.  But I welcome
regional and other announcements in whatever language the writer feels
would be most effective to communicate to the target audience.


--On Tuesday, February 2, 2010 4:35 PM +0100 Carina Simons
<carina.simons@gmx...> wrote:

> I apologize for not communicating in English, apparently I had the
> wrong email address still on. We were talking about the strawbale
> workshop in May in Holland.
> Many greetings,
> Carina Simons
> __________________________________________________
> Von: strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz
> [mailto:strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz] Im Auftrag von smakoszyki
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. Februar 2010 11:47
> An: European strawbale building discussions
> Betreff: Re: [Strawbale] workshops / wallraisings
> One comment - if the mail goes over general mailing list = is meant
> for everybody to read. I suggest author uses language everybody
> understands, English? Otherwise use private e-mail pls.
> Regards
> Piotr Kaczmarek
> sklep www.smakoszyki.com.pl
> 022/6791564, 0606/807649
> audrey.megen@home... wrote:
> Hoi,
> Ja, Tom Rijven moet betaald worden maar wat bedoel je daarmee?
> Je mag natuurlijk altijd mee komen helpen. Het is wel zo dat je als
> Tom komt hij graag mensen voor 3 weken op de bouwplaats heeft anders
> kan hij het niet overzien en kan hij mensen niet van alle relevante
> informatie voorzien die hij in die 3 weken meegeeeft aan de mensen
> die meewerken met de workshop.
> De workshop val t wel 2 weken in de meivakantie. Ik heb zelf ok 3
> kinderen en neem deze ook mee in de vakantie  misschien is dit fijn
> om te weten dat kinderen ook welkom zijn. Niet voor deelnamer aan de
> workshop maar ze mogen wel mee bouwen en of nader activiteiten
> ondernemen. We zetten een grote tent neer waar wij met z, n allen
> kunnen eten en andere activiteiten doen.
> Als je nog meer vragen hebt of iets anders hoor ik het wel.
> groetjes Audrey