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[Strawbale] (no subject)

To get all this global warming spin in perspective you really should check out the bigger picture 
and what the Banksters have in store for you next, global warming is just an excuse to tax everything you do
in the guise of protecting the planet!


Donald mchardy wrote:

this may also be of interest


and the corresponding slide-show is here

altho a few slides missing, but persevere; they're important


>> do you happen to know if there is a transcript of any of these
>> Monbiot/Lomborg debates available online?

In addition to the previously-mentioned December 9 CBC Radio re-broadcast
of the George Monbiot/Elizabeth May vs Bjorn Lomborg/Lord Nigel Lawson
debate that was held at the Munk Centre for International Studies at
Trinity College, University of Toronto on the evening of December 1st

see: http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/schedule.html
(and scroll down to Wed. Dec. 9 : "Munk Debates")

it appears that the full debate is available *now* as an MP3 download,
along with a blog of the debate, videos , readers comments etc.


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