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[Strawbale] (no subject)

Hello happy balers,

My name is Jochem Bakker and I am new on this list.

I am thinking of building a straw bale house in Hungary (a second home since I work and live in Holland).

It wil actually be an addition to an excisting building. The addition wil be about 5 meter x 10 meter. And will have first floor with an a- symetrical roof.

I prefer a load baring structure. Can anybody give me an indication about the time It will take to build de straw structure? (If I will build, I will doe this with about four inexperianced people)

And has someone calculated what an avarage 'casco' squaire meter price is for an straw buidling?

With 'casco' i mean the bare building with only the walls finished.

Kind regards

Jochem bakker