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Re: [Strawbale] Climate change viewpoints

Dear all,

While I was delighted to get the link to the 9 CBC Radio re-broadcast of the George Monbiot/Elizabeth May vs Bjorn Lomborg/Lord Nigel Lawson, none-the-least as an affirmation that there's many other issues than straw that unites us, then I'm also seeing that it may be wiser for us to stick more to the straw issues, especially in light of the links sent by Donald McHardy? Fact is that the quality and claims of those links are so offending to quite a few of us, that it could start quite a heated discussion....kind of like the debates going on again and again between wind power vs nuclear issue etc., I'm all for debates and discussions, however am I the only one to find these topics not to be suited for this list?

This said then I'd also like to point out the significant difference between the moderated Munk debate with representatives of both sides (though far from experts!), compared to the recent one-sided link.....ahm...!

Max Vittrup Jensen
(and I'm just about to graduate as Msc. in Environmental Management!)

strawbale-request@amper....muni.cz wrote:
Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  (no subject) (donald mchardy)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 19:54:34 +0000
From: donald mchardy <fieryx@hotmail...>

this may also be of interest


and the corresponding slide-show is here

altho a few slides missing, but persevere; they're important