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Re: [Strawbale] (no subject)

this may also be of interest
and the corresponding slide-show is here

altho a few slides missing, but persevere; they're important
>> do you happen to know if there is a transcript of any of these
>> Monbiot/Lomborg debates available online?

In addition to the previously-mentioned December 9 CBC Radio re-broadcast
of the George Monbiot/Elizabeth May vs Bjorn Lomborg/Lord Nigel Lawson
debate that was held at the Munk Centre for International Studies at
Trinity College, University of Toronto on the evening of December 1st

see: http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/schedule.html
(and scroll down to Wed. Dec. 9 : "Munk Debates")

it appears that the full debate is available *now* as an MP3 download,
along with a blog of the debate, videos , readers comments etc.


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