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[Strawbale] Humidity within a bale house Mushroom production

Dear all,

I can't help feeling this is an utterly wrong approach.
It seem to come from the modern perspective that any material should be applicable everywhere for anything? (Try building an igloo in Sahara!) Mike Macain of New Mexico had great success with a mushroom growing house built in Creston Colorado out of papercrete. He noticed that the sprinklersystem for a while had been spraying directly on the walls, however rather than deteriorating it, the wall simply work as a sponge and creates a perfect moist environment for the mushrooms; Naturally this is aided by the amazing amount of sunshine in Crestone, which dries out the walls from the other side...but I find you'll have similar conditions in Spain.

Papercrete can be made as building blocks, poured in shuttering, or simply sprayed on to a form-work. Have a look at www.dirtcheapbuilder.com for details.
Max Vittrup Jensen
PermaLot Centre of Natural Building

Today's Topics:

   1.  Fwd: Humidity within a bale house.... (Rikki Nitzkin)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 20:26:16 +0200
From: Rikki Nitzkin <rikkinitzkin@earthlink...>

I have recently gotten an email from a man who wants to build a SB mushroom farm. He would like to know if it is a problem that the INTERIOR of the building has a humidity level of 75-90%.

I usually prefer to use breathable earth plasters (or lime), but I am wondering if this would be a good case to apply a WATERPROOF (cement? latex paint?) plaster to the interior of the building to avoid excess humidity in the walls.

Any thoughts/suggestions?

Rikki Jennifer Nitzkin
Coordinadora de la Red de Construcci?n con Balas de Paja
