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[Strawbale] Ventilated Rainscreen Assemblies on SB Buildings

On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 a certain scallywag wrote:

I've been thinking that it would be a really good idea to work upa rough starting point for straw bale wall rainscreen assemblies.

I've been watching people throw that term around for some time butI don't think anyone has a clue about "how."

Is the above true ?

I was under the impression that rainscreen-type claddings on SB buildings were in wide-spread use throughout most of the world in locales where plentiful and/or driving rains are common, based upon some of the comments I'd seen on the various SB Lists, where people have mentioned the use of timber claddings which I just ass-u-me-d would be configured as ventilated rainscreen assmblies.

So, if you have used ventilated rainscreen cladding assemblies on SB walls, whether those claddings be timber, metal, glass, masonry or pre-cast/tilt-up, please speak up so that we can prove this scallywag wrong.

And if perchance the scallywag is right, I agree that the SB community should be talking about the "how" and not only just talking about it but making the process readily accessible to the general SB-building population.

=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
< A r c h i L o g i c  at  chaffYahoo  dot ca>
(manually winnow the chaff from my edress in your reply)
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