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Re: [Strawbale] Building in Spain

HI James,
In my experience we didn't have "original" problems just the same as any other building....what is really important is to create a good team of owner, builder, technicians ...a team able to give institutions and to the project itself the security of the quality of works....

i've participated as an architect in four legally built houses in spain, 2 in rural area and 2 in suburban area, and one is on his way nearby the center of a litlle town...

the possibility to have the building legal depends quiet a lot on the kind of land you have and the legal regulation that apply on it... normally the legal process does not have as a main concern the material that you are using for building.... and a great deal depends on the disposition of architect and technical architect to assume the responsability of a straw building, responsability that is necessary to have the building legalized.

hope i could give you some help, hope to see more comentaries from others,
best regards to all, valentina

arq. valentina maini
arquitectos ara B sccl.
t.f. +34 933197631
ronda sant pere 58, pralB 08010 barcelona

El 13/02/2009, a las 21:07, James Stubberfield escribió:


I am interested in from hearing from anyone who has built, or is to
planning to build, using straw bales in Spain. I am looking into the
possibilities of building legally and wonder what experiences others
have had.

Thanks, James
   European strawbale building discussion list

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