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[Strawbale] EMF (electric magnetic fields)

Am 03.04.2007 um 16:43 schrieb Brand J.H.J.:

Hi Kurt,
yes indeed the short waves of cellphones and similar stuff does need a much finer mesh. in fact you can see the mesh in the door of a microwave to get a good indication of the size needed for such frequencies.
That is right. They use diffrent frequences, it depants on the rights of the frequency-bands...
in germany they use about 2.4 GHz
In the USA they sometimes use 950 MHz. in germany they use for cellphones 900MHz and 1.8 GHz
to calculate the length of a wave:
lamda=c/f... lamda length of wave c speed of light f frequenz

i think cellphones operate on quite similar wavelenths as microwaves. i guess the normal rebar mesh does give a nice shielding for the 50hz noise.
50Hz noise? what do you mean?
the 50 Hz problem in a house is usally a home made problem.

About the magnetism yes the sources you mention are right. I'm curious 2 hear more of what the effects of it would be. Roughly my gutfeeling tells me that its an order less of a problem then all the EM waves we're dealing with on a daily basis. But of course its never wrong to minimise the amount of steel. if for the energy that was needed for the production.

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Baubiologie & Umweltanalytik
Kurt Splittdorf
Baubiologe SIB

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