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[strawbale] railway sleepers

the jury is still out on the exact toxicity of railway sleepers, but personally, the argument for limited re-use is strong - weathering has generally ensured that most of the tar/creosote has off-gassed/ been emitted, but traces remain and in building a natural-material/healthy building, the risk is too great, i feel....


[2003] From June 30th EEC and British Dept Trade & Industry ruling that:
~ All creosoted railway sleepers can continue to be sold and used safely with some exceptions and guidelines:
- They should not to be used for childrens play areas, toys, garden furniture, picnic tables, inside buildings
- They should not be used where there is a risk of frequent skin contact, or where they may come into contact with food stuffs
- There is NO problem with new untreated or pressure treated sleepers, or used untreated, pressure treated or salt treated sleepers.
