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RE: [Strawbale]strawbale buildings in wet climat conditions

Beste Piet,
'The Straw bale house' is inderdaad een goed boek. Maar meer up to date en beter toegespitst op een natter klimaat is: "Serious Straw Bale" van Michel Bergeron en Paul Lacinski ISBN 1-890132-64-0
André de Bouter
La Maison en Paille

> Dave,
> Bedankt voor de tip.
> Ik ga a.s. week eens op zoek in de boekhandel of bibliotheek.
> Groeten
> Piet Walraven
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: strawbale-admin@amper....muni.cz
> [mailto:strawbale-admin@amper....muni.cz]Namens Dave Van den broeck
> Verzonden: zaterdag 19 juni 2004 08:42
> Aan: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
> Onderwerp: Re: [Strawbale]strawbale buildings in wet climat conditions
> Dag Piet,
> Wij bouwen op dit moment een strobalenwoning in België. Ik heb zeer veel
> gehad aan het boek 'The Straw bale house' van Steen, Steen and bainbridge.
> ISBN 093003171-7 (was ook op aanraden van onze architect)
> Groetjes,
> Dave Van den broeck
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 11:13 AM
> Subject: RE: [Strawbale]strawbale buildings in wet climat conditions
> > Beste Rob,
> >
> > Ik overweeg in de toekomst zelf een stro-woning te bouwen.
> > Momenteel ben ik mezelf aan het orienteren op deze bouwmethode.
> > Ik heb een langdurige bouwkundige achtergrond en heb interesse om
> > met dit concept zelf iets te gaan ondernemen.
> >
> > Weet jij of er boeken zijn of documentatie met (standaard)-detaillering
> > of adviezen voor raam-aansluitingen, draag-constructie en dergelijke.
> >
> > Hi Rob,
> >
> > I´m considering building a house in the nearby future.
> > Dou you know if there is documentation or books with
> > conctruction-, door and window details.
> >
> > Piet Walraven
> >
> > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> > Van: strawbale-admin@amper....muni.cz
> > [mailto:strawbale-admin@amper....muni.cz]Namens ramstrobouw
> > Verzonden: woensdag 16 juni 2004 23:32
> > Aan: Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
> > CC: cocoonlochaber@hotmail...
> > Onderwerp: [Strawbale]strawbale buildings in wet climat conditions
> >
> >
> > dear Chris,
> >
> > Is is good to consider about problems who will eventualy arise. They can
> > occur during the building of the walls (rainfall) and time needed for the
> > stucco's to get dryed, exposure to rain sides..
> > The issue is not to get water into (on top of) the walls were it can stay
> > for longer periodes.
> > Several possibility's to protect the wall from outside, as long as you
> have
> > a ventilation in between.
> > How will be the behavior of heating during wet seasons?
> > As long as you keep the wall-concept breathable, 'vapour-open' (?) and
> > protected from any water penetreting into the walls (and accumulating
> > there), with what kind of protection so ever on the outside (wood is
> > regainable), to me seems the strawbale concept anywhere applyable. Any
> > insulation material shouldn't get wet. But you have to choose for the
> > concept first and balance it with other possibility's.
> > You can even prefabricate your walls under dry conditions.
> >
> > As builders, we have some experience in Holland collected.
> > You can question us more if you need to and see our website (although it
> is
> > not up to date anymore, whe rather have to work on it....)
> >
> >
> > greetings,
> > RAMstrobouw
> >
> > Rob Kaptein
> > Monnikensteeg 103-F
> > 6823 AA Arnhem
> > T 026-3893405
> > F 026- 3893619
> > www.ramstrobouw.nl
> >
> > ____________________________________________________
> > European strawbale building discussion list
> >
> > Send all messages to:
> > Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
> >
> > Archives, subscription options, etc:
> > http://amper.ped.muni.cz/mailman/listinfo/strawbale
> > ____________________________________________________
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> > ____________________________________________________
> > European strawbale building discussion list
> >
> > Send all messages to:
> > Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
> >
> > Archives, subscription options, etc:
> > http://amper.ped.muni.cz/mailman/listinfo/strawbale
> > ____________________________________________________
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ____________________________________________________
> European strawbale building discussion list
> Send all messages to:
> Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
> Archives, subscription options, etc:
> http://amper.ped.muni.cz/mailman/listinfo/strawbale
> ____________________________________________________
> ____________________________________________________
> European strawbale building discussion list
> Send all messages to:
> Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
> Archives, subscription options, etc:
> http://amper.ped.muni.cz/mailman/listinfo/strawbale
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