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RE: [Strawbale]strawbale buildings in wet climat conditions
Bedankt voor de tip.
Ik ga a.s. week eens op zoek in de boekhandel of bibliotheek.
Piet Walraven
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: strawbale-admin@amper....muni.cz
[mailto:strawbale-admin@amper....muni.cz]Namens Dave Van den broeck
Verzonden: zaterdag 19 juni 2004 08:42
Aan: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
Onderwerp: Re: [Strawbale]strawbale buildings in wet climat conditions
Dag Piet,
Wij bouwen op dit moment een strobalenwoning in België. Ik heb zeer veel
gehad aan het boek 'The Straw bale house' van Steen, Steen and bainbridge.
ISBN 093003171-7 (was ook op aanraden van onze architect)
Dave Van den broeck
----- Original Message -----
From: <pm.walraven@home...>
To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 11:13 AM
Subject: RE: [Strawbale]strawbale buildings in wet climat conditions
> Beste Rob,
> Ik overweeg in de toekomst zelf een stro-woning te bouwen.
> Momenteel ben ik mezelf aan het orienteren op deze bouwmethode.
> Ik heb een langdurige bouwkundige achtergrond en heb interesse om
> met dit concept zelf iets te gaan ondernemen.
> Weet jij of er boeken zijn of documentatie met (standaard)-detaillering
> of adviezen voor raam-aansluitingen, draag-constructie en dergelijke.
> Hi Rob,
> I´m considering building a house in the nearby future.
> Dou you know if there is documentation or books with
> conctruction-, door and window details.
> Piet Walraven
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: strawbale-admin@amper....muni.cz
> [mailto:strawbale-admin@amper....muni.cz]Namens ramstrobouw
> Verzonden: woensdag 16 juni 2004 23:32
> Aan: Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
> CC: cocoonlochaber@hotmail...
> Onderwerp: [Strawbale]strawbale buildings in wet climat conditions
> dear Chris,
> Is is good to consider about problems who will eventualy arise. They can
> occur during the building of the walls (rainfall) and time needed for the
> stucco's to get dryed, exposure to rain sides..
> The issue is not to get water into (on top of) the walls were it can stay
> for longer periodes.
> Several possibility's to protect the wall from outside, as long as you
> a ventilation in between.
> How will be the behavior of heating during wet seasons?
> As long as you keep the wall-concept breathable, 'vapour-open' (?) and
> protected from any water penetreting into the walls (and accumulating
> there), with what kind of protection so ever on the outside (wood is
> regainable), to me seems the strawbale concept anywhere applyable. Any
> insulation material shouldn't get wet. But you have to choose for the
> concept first and balance it with other possibility's.
> You can even prefabricate your walls under dry conditions.
> As builders, we have some experience in Holland collected.
> You can question us more if you need to and see our website (although it
> not up to date anymore, whe rather have to work on it....)
> greetings,
> RAMstrobouw
> Rob Kaptein
> Monnikensteeg 103-F
> 6823 AA Arnhem
> T 026-3893405
> F 026- 3893619
> www.ramstrobouw.nl
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