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[Strawbale] Re: SB Insulation Value of SB Walls.

G 'day All

Back at work MLW has just returned from the land of the long white cloud HOT as hades at the moment even after a short tropical shower here in the Riverina. I hope Lars has not burnt away in Adelaide.

Anyhow need some help as usual. We have a 5 star energy rating for our local councils to promote and only approve houses with 3.5 stars and above for building, big joke when you see the two story monsters going up in suburbia at the moment. We have a client at the moment with an unusual design for SB how unusual is that? He needs some back up for thermal propertiesof straw bale walls other than hearsay. I have the work by Joe McCabe:

http://sol.crest.org/efficiency/straw_insulation/straw_insul.html (ta muchly RT)

It would be good and prudent to supply them with any other work on thermal properties of SB so if any of you have any other work on this please send details for all of us. At the moment the model for the National Australian Energy Rating System (NATHERS) uses R1.5 for the walls. Multiply by 5.5 to get the American R rating which I believe is different from the UK R rating.

Anyhow let me know if I have my facts correct as all my files on this subject were lost in the great disc crash of 2003.

Much appreciate any help from you.

Regards The Straw Wolf