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Re: [Strawbale] request for your special skills

Hi Herbert
This is a good idea of yours. Perhaps we should update a list each year just
to keep track of what everyone is doing and any changes that take place. So
here goes for me:

a) Gives advice and help with all aspects of strawbale building from
foundation to roof and plastering.
b) Gives advice on other sustainable techniques such as Car tyre
foundations, rammed earth, cob, wattle and daub, traditional lime
plastering, thatching etc.
c) Advice for self-builders, community projects, private clients, Local
Authorities, architects etc.
d) Design and drawings for strawbale buildings, or will work with your
draughtsperson or architect.
e) Teaching workshops for novices and for construction companies and
interest groups, volunteer programme for interested people.
f) Can arrange special training on site if required.
g) Close support of construction firm/self-builder whilst building a
strawbale building.
h) We will not do the construction for you, but will enable you and your
team/contractors to do it yourselves.
i) Thorough knowledge of all aspects of constuction, can help with planning
permission and building regulation approval. We work well with groups and
offer team-building courses. Women-led groups and training.

Best wishes

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----- Original Message -----
From: Herbert Gruber <d.sign@aon...>
To: <Strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 11:24 AM
Subject: [Strawbale] request for your special skills

> Dear strawbalers
> As mostly of you know, I have a homepage on European strawbale-building.
> Though this site is in german we get many (international) questions about
> * who can build my strawbale-house
> * who is able to plan my house
> * where can I share workshops
> * who can help me with a problem I have ...
> Now I know a lot about the European network and networkers, but I still
> don´t know exactly, who offers what.
> My questions to all of you are:
> who offers
> a) advices on strawbale-building in general
> b) advices on other organic techniques (like earth, sandbag, stone, ...)
> c) advices on strawbale-building for a special (private) project
> d) plans/architecture for a strawbale building
> e) workshops
> f) arranging a workshop on a special building site
> g) supervision of a strawbale building
> h) has an own building company
> i) other skills
> I think it would be interesting for all of us, if we knew whom to consult
> a special request.
> So I suggest to define in this list, what your special contributions in
> SB-building are.
> Example:
> Herbert Gruber, ASBN (Austrian StrawBale Network) offers:
> a) advices on strawbale-building in general
> b) advices on other organic techniques (like earth, sandbag, stone, ...)
> f) arranging a workshop on a special building site in Austria
> i) other skills: webdesign, marketing, homepage about strawbale-buildings
> Austria and Europe: http://www.baubiologie.at
> link-homepage about the most interesting strawbale- and organic
> building-sites: http://www.bestofweb.at/sb_europa.html
> my email-adress: asbn@aon...
> I would appreciate to get such informations from all of you...
> May the wings of strawbale spread over the whole world...
> Best wishes
> Herbert
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>     European strawbale building discussion list
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> Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
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