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[Strawbale] request for your special skills

Dear strawbalers
As mostly of you know, I have a homepage on European strawbale-building.
Though this site is in german we get many (international) questions about
* who can build my strawbale-house
* who is able to plan my house
* where can I share workshops
* who can help me with a problem I have ...

Now I know a lot about the European network and networkers, but I still
don´t know exactly, who offers what.

My questions to all of you are:
who offers
a) advices on strawbale-building in general
b) advices on other organic techniques (like earth, sandbag, stone, ...)
c) advices on strawbale-building for a special (private) project
d) plans/architecture for a strawbale building
e) workshops
f) arranging a workshop on a special building site
g) supervision of a strawbale building
h) has an own building company
i) other skills

I think it would be interesting for all of us, if we knew whom to consult in
a special request.
So I suggest to define in this list, what your special contributions in
SB-building are.

Herbert Gruber, ASBN (Austrian StrawBale Network) offers:
a) advices on strawbale-building in general
b) advices on other organic techniques (like earth, sandbag, stone, ...)
f) arranging a workshop on a special building site in Austria
i) other skills: webdesign, marketing, homepage about strawbale-buildings in
Austria and Europe: http://www.baubiologie.at
link-homepage about the most interesting strawbale- and organic
building-sites: http://www.bestofweb.at/sb_europa.html
my email-adress: asbn@aon...

I would appreciate to get such informations from all of you...
May the wings of strawbale spread over the whole world...
Best wishes