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Re: [Strawbale] SB Suiteble for animals?

Greetings Boy
Welcome to the list,
In answer to your question about a strawbale stable, yes strawbale would
make a perfectly good stable. As you note the walls must be protected from
the animals and against  cleaning with fluids or high pressure  equipment, I
have known this to be done with a plywood lining on the inside which stops
the animals munching the straw and kicking big holes in the walls, you would
need to waterproof this against fluids etc. I hope this helps.
Regards Chug.

----- Original Message -----
From: <boy@12much...>
To: <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 6:24 PM
Subject: [Strawbale] SB Suiteble for animals?

> Hello to you all,
> I'm new on this list, new on SB and I love it. My partner happens to be
> an old friend of the woman who is building a SB and clayhouse in
> Rotselaar. We helped a few weekends and is lovely to do. She's not
> done yet, so take your chance..........
> I have a question......
> Talking about SB, showing pictures, makes people enthousiastic.  A
> friend plans to build a stable for her animals (goats, pony chicken etc. )
> 100 m2 to go, why not with straw? So, who has experienced this
> before? Especially protectecting the inside from being vandalised by
> the animals and against the cleaning with fluids or high pressure
> equipment? Other things to be taken care off?
> With kind regards,
> Boy Bakhuys
> Tienhoven, Holland.
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