[Strawbale] commercial and industrialbuildings

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at alltel...
Wed Dec 14 19:40:24 CET 2005

My apologies for any cross posting.

Strawbale is emerging as a choice for all types of commercial and industrial
buildings. We would like to share information about these buildings, so have
designated this topic as the focus of the Summer 2006 issue of The Last
Straw (#54). This includes schools, churches, businesses, wineries, farm
buildings, manufacturing plants, food markets, restaurants, and other types
of buildings used for a public, commercial, business or industrial purpose.

We would like to hear from you about buildings you may have been involved
with or know of featuring strawbale and natural building materials and
methods, and would be glad to have you write an article and send photographs
and/or illustrations to accompany the article. We would be glad to work with
you if you would like to have assistance in preparing an article. Or please
refer us to the person(s) involved with the project so we can contact them.

Please do not exclude buildings we have already included in TLS as a project
page or in an article... we'd like to update our list of these buildings for
the Open to the Public section of the resource guide and for making
referrals, and would like to encourage postings about them on the
International Straw Bale Registry.

The deadline for submission of copy and photos/illustrations is March 15.
The issue will be published in June. Guidelines for submitting articles,
photographs and illustrations is available on the TLS web site
www.thelaststraw.org (click on Submission Guidelines at the bottom of the
home page).

Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for your help!

Joyce Coppinger, Managing Editor
The Last Straw journal
GPFS/TLS, PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706 USA
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161
<thelaststraw at thelaststraw...>

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