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[Ufo]polarni zare v CB (fwd)

Dobrý den, posílám pro informaci ještě dvě zprávy, které jsem poslal na
   Linkname: Auroral Activity Observation Network
        URL: http://www.spacew.com/www/auroras.html
 (omlouvám se za nesprávný anglický název ČTK v první z nich, pak jsem to

a na konci ještě zprávu od kolegy Martina Gembece z Českých Budějovic.

Podstatné je jen to, že zájemci o rychlé informace o nečekaných jevech na
nebi mají poslat email se subjectem (či SMS s obsahem)
  IAN alerty - ano
 na adresu

Podívat se mohou také do archivu http://amper.ped.muni.cz/ufo

zdraví Jeník Hollan

   Location: Brno, Czechia (N49.20 E016.60)
   UTC Date/Time of Observation: 2001/03/31 at 19:30 for 00 hours 25
   Dimmest Stars Visible: 2nd to 3rd Mag.
   Estimated Intensity of Activity: High
   Elevation angle of activity above horizon: 40 degrees
   Types of activity observed: (Diffuse Glows) (Rays) (Curtains) Light
   Pollution: High
   Sky Conditions (cloudy or not): Clear View
   Estimated Lunar Interference: Low
   The deep red glow became apparent only when it rose high enough above
   the heavily light-polluted horizon. From our N. Copernicus Obs. and
   Planetarium at Kravi hora, mainly the red colour made it clearly
   distinct from artificial light pollution Then, from 21:30 to 21:50 of
   local summertime it was marvelous. A white column appeared almost till
   Polaris for a couple of seconds, moving curtain (or vertical bands,
   difficult to say due to light pollution) till some 25 degrees height
   has been visible for a while. Large red ``clouds'' appeared from NNW
   to NNE almost till 22 h of European Summertime. I have informed the
   Czech Press Agency that a strong aurora has been visible even from
   near the center of a city and that another displays can come till
   morning. Czech broadcasting stations gave that alert in midnight news,
   and many people in dark areas really saw some activity below 20
   degrees above north even later (e.g., quarter past 1 of our UTC+2h).
   The maximum activity around UTC 19:45 resembled the large aurora of
   April 6. (2000) a bit.

   Name: Jeník Hollan
   Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 09:06:46 -0600
   Subject: aurora March/April in Czechia
   I am sorry, that my earlier report written around midnight did not
   appear in the reports list.
   So I rewrote it and added some second-hand information. I got it
   thanks to the people alerted by radio news, who did travel northwards
   from their homes to have dark horizon. I was happy that my alert
   through Czech News Agency (CTK) helped many people to see at least
   some aurora.
   As Peter Szabadi wrote, it's not at all common in our
   ``Austro-Hungarian'' region.
   Another people got an alert almost in time through a SMS or email: a
   mail with subject (or a SMS reading) ``IAN alerty - ano'' to
   redakce@ian... suffices to be informed immediately (just in Czech,
   now, see http://www.ian.cz or directly
   http://www.ian.cz/detart.asp?id=86 ).
   It would be nice if Peter Szabadi and other witnesses east from
   Germany would send a report to
   http://www.spacew.com/www/subaurora.html -- at least around 21:40 of
   our CEST all sites with clear skies surely had a wonderful show.
   Apart from my observatory in Brno, astronomers on vigil in Ondrejov
   and Klet saw the display. Not as magnificient and long-lasting as that
   one a year ago, but still very nice.
   Middle European observers are also welcome to write a message on such
   an unusual event to ufo@amper....muni.cz (see
   http://amper.ped.muni.cz for the www-mailinglists avalable there).
   With best regards, Jeník (jhollan@amper....muni.cz).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 03:15:55 +0200 (CEST)
From: Martin Gembec <gembem00@pf....cz>
To: apo@seznam...
Cc: ufo@amper....muni.cz
Subject: [Ufo]polarni zare v CB

Ahoj. Take ja mohu potvrdit informace o viditelnosti polarni zare. Tu
vecerni jsem sice kdoviproc nevidel, ale rozhodl jsem se jet v 11 za mesto
a tak jsem se preci jenom dockal.
Nejprve jsem videl po dobu asi 3 minut jasny pruh a po dalsi
trictrvtehodine jasnou zari primo nad severem v souhvezdi Cassiopei.
Ten pruh vznikl tak nahle ze sem to ani necekal, bylo to poprve, co sem
mel moznost to videt. Sklanel se mirne doleva a smeroval od obzoru skoro
az ke Capelle. To bylo zhruba v 0:30, pak kolem 1:15 jsem videl tu jasnou

S pozdravem Martin

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