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[strawbale] FW: GSBN:Re: 365 days to go International SB Corroboree 2002

Countdown gathering Australia 2002:

Onderwerp: GSBN:Re: 365 days to go International SB Corroboree 2002

Good Morning Balers

First day of summer here down under.  1st of  December 2001.

Beautiful day here in Golden Ganmain not a cloud in the sky
if a bird flew across the sky it would spoil it!  Many birds
flying around at the moment from Galahs to Sulphur Crested
Cockatoos, Parrots, magpies warbling and so on.  365 days to
go to the start of our Corroboree, so just to remind you to
put it in your diary.  Top temp. today expected 25 degrees
Celsius or Kelvin, whatever that is on Fahrenheit, it is
glorious weather.

The cockies are busily harvesting wheat and the headers are
going flat out.  The paddocks around here are full of stooks
ready for the hay stacks to be made.  Just as they will be
this time next year.

The Charles Sturt University and AUSBALE (The Straw Bale
Building Association of Australia,) in conjunction with Huff
'n' Puff are going to conduct this Corroboree here in
Ganmain and Wagga Wagga.  We are calling for those of you
who wish to participate to look at presenting papers for the

The theme:  Low Cost Sustainable StrawBale Building for all
People of the Planet.

As part of the conference we will be building The Hall of
Reconciliation and Keeping Place in conjunction with the
Wiradjuri people of this area.  The Council of Elders will
be meeting on the 15 of December to advise us of what they
want from a Keeping Place and Memorial Gardens to their
people who died in the Wiradjuri wars.

There will be a web site for the SB Corroboree 2002 and that
will be up and running on the 28 of February 2002.  In the
mean time please contact me here for any queries and ideas.

Kind regards The Straw Wolf
61 2 6927 6027

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