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[strawbale] Ever did wood shingles?

Hello fellow baleheads,
in the last week of September we build a small but lovely strawbalehouse
in Germany.
Some of the building process is shown on the homepage of the seminar
house where we build it.
Very much like a thached roof, getting the wooden shingles up now takes
a lot of time (more than 50% of them are on though) and I am looking for
fanatics, who would like to join me at this beautiful place in the
mountains and finish  the shingle roof and the interior clay plaster.
Sounds like a labourious weekend. Sure will!
On the other hand there is no workshop fee asked and food as well as
accomodation ( and to a certain extend) the beer are free.
I am talking about 2 or three days in Oktober,the 21., 22.and the 23.
Contact me for more info, Harald