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Re: [strawbale] recherche infos

Hallo Michel
You have some good books on straw bale techniques. But in french I do'nt know any. 
One good, beautiful and inspiring one in english is "the straw bale house" by Athena Swentzell Steen, Bill Steen, David Brainbridge and David Eisenberg. 
One of my colleges has made a nice one, but its written i norwegian language so I guess it will not help you.
But try the first one, and good luck.

Regards, Alice Reite
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "marie" <mhrocolle@libertysurf...>
To: <strawbale-l@eyfa...>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 9:18 PM
Subject: [strawbale] recherche infos

> bonjour
> je recherche un livre indiquant les méthodes de construction d'une
> maison en paille.
> J'ai en projet la construction de mon habitation avec un architecte qui
> serait prét à envisager cette alternative au parpaing.Cependant il ne
> connait pas plus que moi ce type de maison.
> merci de me faire  parvenir des infos
> Michel