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Re: http://www.skypub.com/tips/skywise/0109skywise.html (fwd)

Ahoj Jeniku,

tak uz je to kompletne vyresene. Musime tam pridat jednu veticku. Ja ji
pridam do toho obrazku a poslu Ti jej.

Ahoj Ludek

Ludek Vasta                                  University of Economics
ludek@sorry....cz                                            Prague
tel.: +420-2-7936766/270                              Czech Republic

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 10:24:49 -0400
From: Sally MacGillivray <smacgillivray@skypub...>
To: Ludek Vasta <ludek@sorry....cz>
Subject: Re: http://www.skypub.com/tips/skywise/0109skywise.html

Dear Mr. Vasta:

Please carry the following credit line next to the comic strip:

Credit: Sky & Telescope.  Copyright (c) 2001 by Jay Ryan.

Best wishes,

Sally M. MacGillivray
Rights and Permissions Manager
  At 02:38 PM 9/18/01 +0200, you wrote:
>On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, jay, debbie and the kids wrote:
>> Sorry I didnt reply sooner, but you may have heard that we've been having a
>> bad week over here in the States.  I have no problem with you adapting my
>> strip for the purposes you indicate.  I wish you the best.  I'd encourage
>> you to contact Sally MacGillivray at Sky & Telescope as she coordinates
>> permissions.  She is cc'ed on this email.
>Thanks a lot for you permission. I wrote to Ms. Sally and asked her for
>I am very sad of terroristic attacks in New York, Washington and broken in
>Pennsylvania. But I did not want to mention it in my first letter as it
>could be understood as my "trick" to obtain your permission easy. I was in
>NYC five years ago and I visited building of the World Trade Center.
>Half of day I spent bay walking in southern part of Manhattan. So I can
>imagine better feelings of people in NY. We in the Czech Republic were
>very surprised by that new kind of attack and next day hundreds or
>thousands of people gave flowers or candles in front of the U. S. Embassy
>and Prague Wenceslas Square (that square is national center of Czech
>people in time of big events like velvet revolution in 1989 or protests
>against Soviet invasion in 1968).
>> I also support the idea of curbing light pollution in Eastern Europe.  I'm
>> Polish on my mother's side and my wife has Slovak ancestry.
>Pozdrowiam z Pragi po polsku. Mam kilka polskich przyjaciolow-astronomow
>Best wishes,
>Ludek Vasta                                  University of Economics
>ludek@sorry....cz                                            Prague
>tel.: +420-2-7936766/270                              Czech Republic
Rights and Permissions Manager
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