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Re: http://www.skypub.com/tips/skywise/0109skywise.html (fwd)

Ahoj Jeniku,

tady je reakce toho kreslire. Podekujes mu Ty, nebo to mam ucinit ja? A co
s tou tetou Sally?

Ahoj Ludek

Ludek Vasta                                  University of Economics
ludek@sorry....cz                                            Prague
tel.: +420-2-7936766/270                              Czech Republic

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 18:30:20 -0400
From: "jay, debbie and the kids" <ryanfamily@multiverse...>
To: Ludek Vasta <ludek@sorry....cz>
Cc: smacgillivray@skypub...
Subject: Re: http://www.skypub.com/tips/skywise/0109skywise.html

Hello Mr. Ludek,

Sorry I didnt reply sooner, but you may have heard that we've been having a
bad week over here in the States.  I have no problem with you adapting my
strip for the purposes you indicate.  I wish you the best.  I'd encourage
you to contact Sally MacGillivray at Sky & Telescope as she coordinates
permissions.  She is cc'ed on this email.

I also support the idea of curbing light pollution in Eastern Europe.  I'm
Polish on my mother's side and my wife has Slovak ancestry.  My home town
of Cleveland, Ohio has a large community of Slavic peoples, including
Czech.  I have many friends of Czech ancestry whose grandparents came to
the USA in the early 20th century.  So my sincere best wishes to you and
your efforts.

Clear skies, jay ryan

At 02:45 PM 9/14/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello Mr. Jay,
>I would like to ask you for permission to translate comics at
>http://www.skypub.com/tips/skywise/0109skywise.html (Glare) to the Czech
>language for noncommercial use. In theese days the Czech Astronomical
>Society (which I am a member of) is preparing papers for the Parliament of
>the Czech Republic for reducing light pollution. Competent committee of
>the Czech Parliament should deal with the topic next week. There were
>some sessions in the Czech Parliament this week and we see, there should
>be some simple and illuminating explanation of the problem for members of
>the Parliament and representants of Czech municipalities. I think your
>strip is ideal for such aims.
>The Czech minister of environment supports our proposals, but his clerks
>do not, yet. So we need much of material to argue.
>Unfortunately, as we are society of volunteers and science has no high
>priority in our country, we are not able to pay much money - maybe some
>symbolic amount, but bank charge is very high for our society (minimum fee
>is about 8% of budget reserved to dark sky education of this year). We do
>not want to earn any money using your strip - our goal is dark (or darker)
>sky and better utilization of energy.
>The Czech Astronomical Society was founded in 1917 and it is the biggest
>astronomical society in the Czech Republic. We also have web page
>dedicated to this problem at http://svetlo.astro.cz/ (it is under
>construction but the most important information for public are published
>In case you need some additional information about our effort you can ask
>Jenik Hollan <jhollan@amper....muni.cz> of Brno Observatory and Masaryk
>University in Brno, who participates in sessions in the Czech Parliament.
>Best wishes,
>Ludek Vasta
>Ludek Vasta                                  University of Economics
>ludek@sorry....cz                                            Prague
>tel.: +420-2-7936766/270                              Czech Republic

The Ryan Family
Cleveland, Ohio, USA

"GET A LIFE, will you people?

"I mean, for crying out loud, it's just a TV show!  ...You've turned an
enjoyable little job, that I did as a lark for a few years, into a COLOSSAL

--William Shatner on "Saturday Night Live" -- 1986
