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[Darksky]Symposium for Protection of the Night Sky (fwd)
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Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 03:59:32 EDT
From: RLGent1@aol...
To: ida@darksky...
Subject: Symposium for Protection of the Night Sky
Memorandum for all IDA sections and affiliated organizations:
From: International Dark-Sky Association
European Liaison Office
and Symposium Organizing Committee
The 3rd European Symposium on the Protection of the Night Sky will be held in
Stuttgart, Germany, 12-13 September 2003. It will be located at the
Planetarium of Stuttgart, Kepler-Saal.
The program will include internationally acclaimed specialists in protecting
the nighttime environment, and the list of confirmed speakers includes Dr.
David Crawford, co-founding officer of the International Dark-Sky
Association, as well as Mr. Gent, Dr. Haenel, Dr. Wuchterl, Dr. Kerschbaum,
Dr. Posch and other leaders from Europe.
Contributions are expected from many European countries. Recently there has
been much progress as the general public becomes aware of the problems and
solutions of light pollution. Last year, the Parliament of the Czech
Republic passed the first national law to control light pollution, and more
recently, the Hungarian National Railways won an International Lighting Award
for energy conservation and glare reduction at 500 rail stations. These
actions and other international projects will be discussed at this symposium.
All IDA sections and affiliated organizations are warmly invited to
participate. Requests to present papers should be sent to the organizers
listed below. The deadline for submitting papers is 1 June 2003.
Additional information about conference and hotels will be available soon and
sent in subsequent messages. The organizing committee is composed of Dr.
Keller, Mr. Gent, and Dr. Posch. Feel free to distribute this notice widely
and share it with local media and interested parties.
*************************** END
Symposium Contacts:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Keller
Carl-Zeiss-Planetarium Stuttgart
Mittlerer Schloßgarten
Willy-Brandt-Straße 25
(Neckarstraße 47)
D-70173 Stuttgart
Tel. + 49 711 162 92 15
nach Dienstschluß + 49 711 162 92 26
Email HUK: HUKPLAN@planetarium....shuttle.de
Or: RLGent1@aol...
IDA European Liaison Officer
Dardago, Italy
Or: posch@astro....ac.at
Astronomy Department University of Vienna
IDA Austria